Conversations With a Real Author
So a few months back I sent a fan letter email to an author regarding a book of hers that I’d read. I never expected to hear back from this person because let’s face it- there are a ton of crazy weirdos out there with some sort of an agenda. (Just to clarify, I’m not one of them but you never can tell.) Anyway, back to the letter. In my email I went on to tell this author how much her book impressed me and left a lasting impression on my heart. This book was so entertaining and thought provoking. It was so brilliantly written that I just had to share my thoughts with its creator because that’s what I do. When someone impresses me to such a degree that I am changed somehow, I feel it is my responsibility to remind them of their sheer awesomeness and encourage them to continue doing whatever it is that makes them so great. Here’s the cool part. I got a reply! Before I share her side of the conversation I’d like to get permission first. This could take a while so in the meantime, please enjoy the email that started it all.
Dear Miss Chamberlin,
On Thursday morning I went to the library and picked up Tuscan Holiday. It is now 11am on Saturday and I have to tell you- that was the best read I've had in ages! Where have you been all my life? I've especially enjoyed your vivid detail of the Italian countryside and added yet another destination to my growing wish list of places to visit. The answer lady has become my new hero. I was up all night sharing her wealth of advice with my husband who has decided she's pretty much a female version of Simon Cowell. I'm going to miss that crazy psychopath. Coincidentally, at this very moment I'm having a lull in my own whacked out relationship with the demon who gave birth to me. The mother/daughter dynamic continues to fascinate me, especially now that I am raising my own future ungreatful drama queen. I suppose I should be thankful for surgical menopause. She's only seven and I'm already seeing faint traces of her mother.When she gets her period only one of us will have to be bound and gagged. The other, I assume will either move out or just kill herself. By the way, were those mom quotes from actual books? Good stuff!
I have seen myself mirrored in the struggles both women have faced on this journey. (Does that make sense?) From young Marina, forced to make difficult choices and finally choose to live her own life to Elizabeth who eventually chose to leave her past where it belongs and move forward with gusto, I have been there. In this book I had a rare glimpse of how it could be one day with my own child. I've also recognized the truth for what it is in yet another one of a million different ways. Dysfunction is more often than not a choice rather than unplanned circumstance. We choose how people treat us and we choose how to respond to that treatment. The result could be liberating or debilitating, depending on our level of maturity.
To sum up, I have become an addict of your work. I think you are absolutely brilliant and can't wait to get my hands on another of your books. I may have to pace myself though. At this rate, the housework will be ignored, the fridge empty, and my appearance- well I think you get it. Well done, Miss Chamberlin. You had me at the graduation party.
Sherry Castelluccio
Fabulous! Now I need to go the library and get the book. You could be a book reviewer. Or, at the very least, a marketing professional for literates!
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