Joyful Praises is a site that is devoted to real Christians with real lives. It is a place to share our trials,triumphs, prayers and praises. Come here to be uplifted, encouraged, and challenged in your walk with Christ.

The Beginning

I've been going through my old journals lately and stumbled across this one by accident. I find it fascinating that as sick as I was, I still have a tendency to hang on to wrong thinking. I am allowed to forgive myself because God already did.

January 9, 1998

Hi Patty-
It was really nice to visit with you last night. You are such a warm, caring person. You’re also very thoughtful and I loved the presents you gave me. I’m looking forward to seeing you today even though I am exhausted. I requested for them to change my medicine for the morning. Maybe I shouldn’t have switched roommates so fast. My roommate snores and she sleeps all the time. I don’t know how much sleep I got but it wasn’t much.

I talked to a nurse today and told her how I got in here. She said it was very smart of me to call. It shows intelligence because I know it’s wrong to kill myself and I made the necessary steps. I was writing about all the things I miss about home- my perfume, my music, my jewelry. These are all things that I value. They’re signatures of me. I think there’s a part of me that is so stubborn, I refuse to admit that there is good about me, even things that are lovable. I think maybe I don’t want to admit it because then I’d have to deal with all the bad things I’ve done. It’s all really complicated. Anyway, I hope that while I’m here I get the help I need. If I don’t I’ll go crazy.

I talked with a nurse a few minutes ago and learned something really interesting. She told me that because of the abuse, not having a middle ground and not being allowed to make mistakes it would be natural for me to beat myself up when I do screw up. I knew this but what was interesting was what she said next. I am at a fork in the road and I am starting to realize that it is ok to make big mistakes. It doesn’t mean that I am not worth something or that I have to lay down and die. I’m starting to understand that I’m still a good person that is allowed to make mistakes and be forgiven. I can forgive myself because this is not the person I am or want to be. There is a gray area and I’m finding it. Maybe getting here has taught me that I am not going to quit because I happen to be human. I’m going to live and I will be ok.


It sounds like your nurse was very kind, and wise. Sometimes I have very meaningful encounters with people that last just a short time. I tend to think of them as angels sent by God to help me along my way. Hugs to you.

You have come along way and now you get to take your experience, strength, and hope and touch the lifes of everyone around you. I know you have touched my life, I am temendously blessed to have you as my partner and you daughter is blessed to have you as her mother. Luv you :)

This made me tear up, Sherry. I wanted to reach through the screen and grab that "you" and just hug you and tell you that people love you just the way you are, and that God loves you...just the way you are. I'm so thankful to have met you. You have such poignant insights into things and such a beautiful way with words. Your comment you left on my blog just gave me this instant picture in my mind. I could remember crawling into my dad's lap as a child (and even as a teenager) and just laying my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. I knew if I could hear that, everything would be okay. Well, my earthly father is gone, but my Heavenly Father is still here, and you're right...we can crawl up in His lap and hold on, because He will never let us go. Blessings, my friend. You touch people in ways you cannot even imagine.

Great thoughts. You guys are in my prayers!
God bless,
Luke 18:1

It's amazing how deeply we may be wounded and yet hold on to something...beyond the reason and logic.
Be Proud of Yourself.
Thanks for sharing.